The 10 Most Valuable Brands of 2017

If you've been in business long enough, you know that a company's image is everything. Part of why Apple can charge $999 for the new iPhone X is because it has created a brand that customers trust and view as premium. That might be why Apple topped the list of the 18th annual Best Global Brands Report from global brand consultancy Interbrand.

If you want to know how powerful this list is, the companies in the top ten have a combined brand value of $1.87 billion, which represent a 4.2% increase over last year. 

Knowing what brands are resonating with consumers can be of particular interest to investors looking for either long-term plays or "the next big thing." The companies on the Best Global Brands list consistently outperform the general market. That's because a solid brand image can help a company weather the dips in the market, as well as give it an extra boost during market highs. 

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