The 1 Figure in Nvidia's Quarterly Report No One Is Talking About That Has the Potential to Sink the Ship

If there's one certainty on Wall Street over the past three decades, it's that investors always flock to next-big-thing investments. There have been no shortage of new innovations and game-changing trends that have captivated investors' attention, including the advent of the internet, businesses-to-business commerce, genome decoding, 3D printing, blockchain technology, cannabis, and the metaverse, to name a few.

At the moment, no innovation is garnering more attention than artificial intelligence (AI). AI involves the use of software and systems to oversee tasks typically assigned to humans. Incorporating machine learning allows software and systems to grow smarter and evolve over time. This evolution is what gives AI utility in virtually every sector and industry.

The Nvidia A100 GPU is a cornerstone of high-compute data centers. Image source: Nvidia.

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