It's an unfortunate fact that more than 50% of working Americans admit to being unhappy on the job. And while some of that boils down to factors like money or work-related stress, a big part of it stems from the fact that many folks end up choosing the wrong profession. That's why it's important to understand not just what you want out of a job, but what you really don't want. With that in mind, here are some of the roles your Foolish investors would avoid at all costs.


Selena Maranjian: What's the one job I wouldn't want? Well, that's a hard question to answer, as there are many jobs I don't want. I don't want to be a brain surgeon, for example, as I would be stressed out by the responsibility. I don't want to be a driver of trucks in a city, as I wouldn't want to have to get in and out of narrow streets and alleys. I wouldn't want to be a restaurant server, either, as I might worry too much about forgetting an order or dropping plates. Being America's president is unappealing, too, as there is just so much to the job and I don't feel sufficiently qualified.

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