The 2 Things I'm Doing to Prepare for a Stock Market Crash in 2021

Though 2020 has been horrid for the U.S. economy, the stock market has hardly been doing poorly. While it did absolutely tank back in March when news of the pandemic broke, it's done a great job of recovering from those losses and rewarding patient investors who sat tight during that rough patch. In fact, the Dow Jones Industrial Average recently topped 30,000, a milestone for the index.

As such, there's really no reason to think that a stock market crash is imminent. Or at least most people may not be thinking that way. I, on the other hand, tend to err on the side of pessimism in these situations -- not because I'm a negative person, but because it helps me better prepare, and when I feel prepared, I feel empowered.

Image source: Getty Images.

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