The 3 Best Stocks to Invest $100 in Right Now

Investing in 2020 has certainly tested the resolve of long-term investors like nothing before. Even though we've witnessed stock market corrections and crashes, we'd never quite seen the broad-based S&P 500 lose 34% of its value in just a hair over one month.

But if there's one guarantee that never seems to let investors down, it's the idea that, eventually, bear markets and corrections will be firmly put into the rearview mirror by a bull market rally. This means each and every correction in history has been a buying opportunity, as long as you have a long investing horizon.

Another impressive attribute of investing in the stock market is that you don't need to have deep pockets to generate wealth. If you have even $100 that can be spared for investments and won't be needed to cover bills or emergencies, you have more-than-enough money to begin charting your path toward financial freedom.

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