The 3 Money Moves Americans Wish They'd Made When They Were Younger

Everyone makes financial decisions they regret from time to time. Usually, it's a small thing, like buying something you really didn't need. It doesn't seem like that big of a deal. The bigger regrets usually don't come until later in your life, when you start thinking seriously about planning for your future, including retirement. You might feel ready to leave the workforce, but if you haven't planned financially, it probably isn't an option.

You'd think everyone would have unique financial regrets, but a TD Ameritrade survey found a few that consistently rose to the top. When asked what advice they'd give to their younger selves, the following three answers came up most often among Americans aged 40 to 79. If you don't want to look back in regret someday, you may want to start working on them now.

Image source: Getty Images.

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