The 3 Safest Dividends Among 21st Century Materials Stocks

Throughout recorded history, amazing advances in technology and transformations of the global economy have been driven by changes in the global flow of materials. The spice trade catalyzed deep-sea navigation technologies necessary to transport and protect cargoes from far away lands. Steel enabled the safe expansion of railroad networks and construction of bridges over once impassable rivers. And petroleum ushered in new eras of transportation and manufacturing and has dictated global politics and since the World War I.

The 21st century will be no different. Lithium-ion batteries, abundant and cheap natural gas from America, and ultra-efficient semiconductors, among other materials, promise to permanently alter global trade -- and lift the fortunes of the companies leading each transition. These trends promise to make Albemarle (NYSE: ALB), Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE: RDS-A)(NYSE: RDS-B), and Universal Display Corporation (NASDAQ: OLED) among the safest dividends in innovative materials.

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