The 3 Safest Energy Dividends Right Now

Environmentalists would have you believe that clean energy is going to displace carbon fuels in an almost overnight transition. For better or worse, that's just not feasible, with the switchover more likely to happen over decades than days. This means there's still an opportunity to invest in high-yield energy names. But you want to pick the right ones. Here are three to get you started.

When the economic shutdowns used to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic led to a steep drop in energy demand and, consequently, energy prices, one integrated oil company stood out: TotalEnergies (NYSE: TTE). The reason was because, unlike all of its closest peers, it was willing to not only state the importance of its dividend, but also to tell investors that the dividend was safe so long as oil prices averaged around $40 a barrel. That's a line in the sand that investors can keep track of. Note that oil is currently well above that mark.

Image source: Getty Images.

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