The 3 Warren Buffett Stocks Wall Street Thinks Will Be the Biggest Winners Over the Next 12 Months

Warren Buffett doesn't make investing decisions based on what Wall Street analysts think. He knows what he wants in a given stock. If he ever needs any advice, he can turn to his longtime business partner Charlie Munger.

However, analysts certainly think highly of many of the investing decisions that Buffett has made. And they're especially bullish about a few of his picks. Here are the three Buffett stocks that Wall Street thinks will be the biggest winners over the next 12 months.

Buffett is a big fan of entertainment company Liberty Live Group (NASDAQ: LLYV.A) (NASDAQ: LLYV.K). Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B) owns 19.8% of the company's Series A shares and 17.5% of the Series C shares that trade under the LLYVA and LLYVK tickers, respectively.

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