The 7 Fastest-Growing Marijuana Stocks in 2020

There's no denying that marijuana stock investors were thrilled to see 2019 come to a close. After beginning with epic first-quarter gains, which saw more than a dozen pot stocks rise by at least 70%, cannabis stocks have since been stuck in a nine-month freefall.

What's to blame? Look no further than supply issues in Canada that have kept product from reaching consumers, and high tax rates in select U.S. states (ahem, California), which have made it extremely difficult for legal cannabis to compete with black market producers. Throughout North America, illicit producers reigned in 2019.

But a new year brings new opportunities for the pot industry. The official launch of derivative marijuana products in Canada, and the expected legalization of weed in a handful of new U.S. states, should ignite top-line growth. Using revenue as the primary growth metric, the following seven marijuana stocks are expected to be the fastest growing in 2020.

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