The AI Revolution Is Coming to Wendy's in June: What Investors Need to Know

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models are taking the investing world by storm, promising to revolutionize internet search, digital content creation, and... food service? That's right. Fast-food giant Wendy's (NASDAQ: WEN) is surprisingly jumping on the AI bandwagon.

According to management, Wendy's will pilot an AI program for ordering in its drive-thrus starting in June. And with as much hype as there is right now for AI, I believe it's important for Wendy's investors to properly contextualize this news.

might be dominating the headlines for AI technology right now. But rival Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) is doing its best to stay in the conversation, and it recently announced tons of new AI products and features.

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