The Best Biotech Stock on the Market Right Now

Pick nearly any category. You're likely to find differing views about who or what is the best in that category. One person's pick for the best often isn't the next person's choice.

I readily acknowledge this when it comes to selecting the best biotech stock. Different investors could nominate different worthy candidates. But my vote for the best biotech stock on the market right now goes to Vertex Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: VRTX). And it's not even a close contest.

No stock should even be a contender as the best biotech stock on the market right now if it isn't at least delivering positive returns, in my view. Close to 750 biotech stocks trade on the major U.S. stock exchanges. Only 50 of them are in positive territory over the past 12 months. Of those, only 25 have jumped 20% or more.

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