The Best Could Be Yet to Come for Novo Nordisk and Ozempic

Ozempic has become the big name associated with weight loss. Although there are other competing drugs which could take market share from it in the future, the diabetes treatment has become well known on social media for its ability to help people lose weight. And that success has played a big role in Novo Nordisk (NYSE: NVO) becoming one of the most valuable healthcare companies in the world.

But as well as things are going for the company, this may still only be the beginning for Novo Nordisk, Ozempic, and Wegovy (its approved weight-loss treatment). Here's why.

Semaglutide is the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy. And that's why the two products are highly similar; Wegovy is essentially just a higher-dose version, and it is approved for weight loss.

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