The Best Dividend Growth ETF to Invest $1,000 in Right Now

Looking for income? Veteran investors know that dividend stocks offer something bonds just can't. That's income growth that at least keeps pace with inflation. And given enough time, most of these names will also dish out respectable capital appreciation.

The question is, which stocks? Investors might also wonder if an exchange-traded fund would be an easier, better choice as it lets them own a basket of stocks. An ETF would indeed be a better choice for most people starting out with less experience and a relatively small amount of money, say, $1,000. But which fund?

(Partial) spoiler alert: Investor favorite Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (NYSEMKT: VIG) didn't make my list and neither did ProShares S 500 Dividend Aristocrats ETF (NYSEMKT: NOBL).

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