The Best High-Yield Dividend Stocks to Buy With a $2,000 Stimulus Check

One week from today, change is coming to Washington, D.C. The inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, coupled with a slim majority position for Democrats in both houses of Congress, could lead to sweeping reforms.

One of the many items on Biden's docket is getting additional stimulus out to American workers and their families. Following the recent passage of $600 stimulus payouts, Biden has insisted on passing additional fiscal stimulus, to the tune of $2,000 per qualified individual.

For some folks, a $2,000 stimulus payout would help them pay their rent, mortgage, and utility bills, or even put food on the table. For others who have a healthy emergency fund and haven't been adversely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, a $2,000 stimulus check might be put to best use in the stock market.

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