The Best Stock for the Second Half: Moderna or BioNTech?

Moderna (NASDAQ: MRNA) and BioNTech (NASDAQ: BNTX) just may be the most talked about biotech stocks on the planet these days. Why? They both developed and are selling the first coronavirus vaccines. BioNTech is the partner of big pharma company Pfizer. Moderna and BioNTech have climbed 125% and 175%, respectively, in the first half.

To predict which may be the best choice for the second half, let's play a game. It's called Motley Fool CAPS. And it uses the wisdom of crowds to identify smart investments. How does CAPS work? Thousands of players predict which stocks will lag behind or surpass the S&P 500 over a certain time frame. The game rates players based on the percentage of people they're outperforming. It rates stocks based on the number of players who've picked that stock to outperform. Players with higher ratings have more influence on a stock's rating -- so CAPS gives the opinions of investors with a strong track record more weight.

Let's see what CAPS tells us about Moderna and BioNTech.

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