The Best Stocks to Invest $20,000 in Right Now

Investing your hard-earned money can be daunting, and those picking stocks know how much time and effort can go into such an endeavor. However, over the long term, investing in the stock market is one of the best ways to combat inflation and grow one's nest egg for retirement. 

Right now, those with a spare $20,000 kicking around have difficult questions to ask. It's not 2021 anymore, when bonds earned essentially nothing and there weren't any viable alternatives to the stock market. Short-term Treasury yields are now above 5%, meaning there's (finally) a reasonable alternative to equities for savers.

There's no shame in taking a risk-free yield of more than 5% for a few months and waiting out what could be a volatile market this year. I recently bought my first ever bond (a six-month Treasury) for this reason.

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