The Best Warren Buffett Stocks You Can Buy With Huge Passive Income Potential

At a time when inflation is running amock, it's worth taking a lesson or two from longtime investors who've seen it all before.

Consider Warren Buffett's thoughts on the matter. When inflation was rampant in 1977, he wrote, "Our acquisition preferences run toward businesses that generate cash, not those that consume it. As inflation intensifies, more and more companies find that they must spend all funds they generate internally just to maintain their existing physical volume of business."

Not surprisingly, some of Buffett's largest and longest-held positions are excellent dividend stocks. Dividend stocks are focused on cash generation, and that protects their businesses during these inflationary periods. They also provide generous passive income. Some of the best are Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO)Kroger (NYSE: KR), and Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG). Let's take a closer look at each.

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