The Best Warren Buffett Stocks to Buy Right Now

If anything, studying Warren Buffett's investments gives one clarity in an investment world that can seem quite chaotic. Yes, I am a self-proclaimed follower of the Oracle of Omaha. The 93-year-old breaks things down to make complex ideas simple. In doing so, he has taken the rest of the investment community to school for decades. Since 1996, Buffett's beloved Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B) has beaten the S 500 by nearly 1,180%.

Let's take a look at three stocks in his portfolio that you should consider buying now.

Over the last three years, payment services juggernaut (NYSE: V) has delivered double-digit annual revenue growth, with increasing value to shareholders. In 2023 alone, Visa's revenue increased 11.4%, with net income increasing 16.1% to $17 billion. Visa is positioned within an indispensable piece of American finance. Although I'm still a fan of cash, most people are looking for more convenient ways to pay for their purchases, and Visa continues to be right at the front line.

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