The Best Warren Buffett Stocks to Buy With $3,000 Right Now

Got some extra cash you won't be needing anytime soon, but don't know what to do with it? Maybe you just don't have time to ferret out your portfolio's next pick? Whatever the case, there's a simple solution -- borrow an idea from one of the world's most proven investors, Warren Buffett. Or, more specifically, buy one of the names Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway already owns.

Here's a rundown of three Buffett-approved picks Berkshire Hathaway is currently holding that would also be at home in most investors' portfolios.

To say Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) is a well-known brand somehow seems like a serious understatement. It's a market-share leader, domestically as well as internationally. Indeed, now well over 100 years old, the company's become a cultural icon.

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