The Best Way to 10X Your Retirement Savings in 20 Years

Most people need to build significant retirement savings if they want to maintain their lifestyle after they stop working. Social Security provides most people with enough to meet basic needs, but not much more. For most families, any other cash requirements need to be covered by retirement accounts. The best way to 10x retirement savings in two decades is a two-pronged approach: Save regularly and invest those savings for responsible growth.

No investment strategy can overcome insufficient saving, and you can't build a retirement account without turning earnings into assets.

Consider a hypothetical retirement account with $100,000 worth of securities in its investment portfolio. If no additional contributions are made to the account, then it can only grow through investment returns. In order for that account to grow 10x to $1 million within 20 years, it would need compounding average annual returns of nearly 13%.

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