The Best Way to 10X Your Retirement Savings in 25 Years

Do you feel like you're behind on your retirement savings goal? If so, you're not alone. Numbers from the National Institute on Retirement Security (yes, that's a real thing) suggest over three-fourths of Americans believe their current nest eggs aren't as big as they should be by now. For more than 20% of the respondents to the institute's recent poll on the matter, that's because they're not saving anything at all. Presumably, they just can't.

The good news is, if you're young enough and at least have something tucked away for retirement already, you may be in better shape than you think. You may even be able to grow your current nest egg by a factor of 10, in fact, if you've got 25 years -- give or take -- before you have to start dipping into your eventual retirement stash.

You'll just want to stick with the simplest of rules.

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