The Biggest Mistakes I Made With a Credit Card

Ah, credit cards. On the one hand, they make shopping easy and offer enticing rewards. On the other hand, they open the door to a world of mistakes that could zap your credit if you're not extremely cautious.

There are many dangers with credit cards. First, because you're swiping a piece of plastic as opposed to handing over physical money, you can easily rack up a sizable balance in no time. Then, if you fail to pay that bill when it comes due, you'll accrue interest on your account until you're able to pay it off in full.

But it's not just spending extra money on interest that can turn your credit card experience into a negative one. There are several lesser-known mistakes associated with credit cards, and I've pretty much made all of them at one point or another. Here are three of my greatest credit card blunders.

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