The Biggest Money Mistake You May Not Even Realize You're Making

When it comes to money management, nobody has all the right answers. Everyone will make mistakes sooner or later, and that's OK. The most important thing is to realize your mistakes and correct them before they cause bigger problems down the road.

The most dangerous mistakes, though, are the ones you don't recognize you're making. You may go your whole life without realizing you're doing anything wrong, then by the time you do, it's too late to do anything about it. This is especially prevalent when it comes to retirement planning. Saving for retirement is playing the long game, and the choices you make now will affect your life decades down the road.

One of the most common mistakes workers make when planning for retirement is waiting too long to get started. At first glance, it might not seem like waiting a few years to start saving will have a dramatic effect on your overall savings -- especially when you have a lifetime before you can even think about retiring. However, this mistake can do far more damage than you may think.

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