The Complete List of Stocks That Pay Dividends In February

Published on March 7, 2018

Retirees face unique challenges when it comes to investing.

First among those is the desire to generate monthly income that remains relatively stable each month. Said another way, retirees aim to create a passive income stream that is very consistent in nature.

One way to achieve this is by creating a portfolio of dividend stocks that generates the same dividend income each month. This requires deliberately allocating a particular amount of capital to securities whose dividends are paid in each calendar month.

With this in mind, we’ve compiled a database of all stocks that pay dividends in February. You can download this list below:


The list of stocks that pay dividends in February available for download above contains the following metrics for each stock in the database:

Last payment date in the month of February Stock Price Dividend Yield Market Capitalization Price-to-Earnings Ratio Price-to-Book Ratio 3-Year Beta Return on Equity

Keep reading this article to learn more about using the February dividend stocks list to improve your investing outcomes.

How To Use The February Dividend Stocks List to Find Investment Ideas

Having a spreadsheet database with the names, tickers, and financial characteristics of every stock that pays dividends in the month of February can be extremely powerful.

This document becomes even more useful when combined with a rudimentary knowledge of Microsoft Excel.

With that in mind, this tutorial will demonstrate how you can use the February dividend stocks list to apply quantitative financial screens to this database of dividend stocks.

The first screen that we will implement is for stocks that pay dividends in February with price-to-earnings ratios below 15 and returns on equity above 20%.

Screen 1: Price-to-Earnings Ratios Below 15 and Returns on Equity Above 20%

Step 1: Download your list of stocks that pay dividends in February by clicking here.

Step 2: Click on the filter icon at the top of the price-to-earnings ratio column, as shown below.

Step 3: Change the filter setting to “Less Than” and input 15 into the field beside it. This will filter for stocks that pay dividends in February that trade with price-to-earnings ratios below 15.

Step 4: Close out of the filter window (by clicking the exit button, not by clicking the “Clear Filter” button in the bottom right corner). Next, click the filter icon at the top of the return on equity column, as shown below.

Step 5: Change the filter setting to “Greater Than” and input 0.2 into the field beside it. Since return on equity is measured in percentage points, this is equivalent to filtering for stocks that pay dividends in February with returns on equity above 20%.

The remaining securities in this spreadsheet are stocks that pay dividends in February with price-to-earnings ratios below 15 and returns on equity above 20%.

The next screen that we’ll demonstrate is for stocks that pay dividends in February with market capitalizations above $25 billion and 3-year betas below 1.

Screen 2: Market Capitalizations Above $25 Billion and 3-Year Betas Below 1

Step 1: Download your list of stocks that pay dividends in February by clicking here.

Step 2: Click the filter icon at the top of the market capitalization column, as shown below.

Step 3: Change the filter setting to “Greater Than” and input 25000 into the field beside it. Since market capitalization is measured in millions of dollars in this database, this is equivalent to filtering for stocks with market capitalizations above $25 billion.

Step 4: Close out of the filter window (by clicking the exit button, not by clicking the “Clear Filter” button in the bottom right corner). Next, click on the filter icon at the top of the beta column, as shown below.

Step 5: Change the filter setting to “Less Than” and input 1 into the field beside it. This will filter for stocks that pay dividends in February with 3-year betas below 1.

The remaining stocks in this spreadsheet are stocks that pay dividends in February that have market capitalizations above $25 billion and 3-year betas below 1.

You now have a solid, fundamental understanding of how to use the February dividend stocks list to find investment ideas.

To conclude this article, we’ll recommend several alternative places to find high-quality dividend growth investment opportunities.

Final Thoughts: Other Useful Investing Databases

Having an investment portfolio that generates a roughly equal amount of dividend income each month is very important for retirees.

It is also important to be diversified by sector. With this in mind, Sure Dividend maintains (and updates monthly) a free database for all 10 sectors of the stock market. You can access these databases below:

The Complete List of Dividend-Paying Utility Stocks The Complete List of Dividend-Paying Consumer Staples Stocks The Complete List of Dividend-Paying Consumer Cyclical Stocks The Complete List of Dividend-Paying Telecommunications Stocks The Complete List of Dividend-Paying Technology Stocks The Complete List of Dividend-Paying Healthcare Stocks The Complete List of Dividend-Paying Energy Stocks The Complete List of Dividend-Paying Industrial Stocks The Complete List of Dividend-Paying Materials Stocks The Complete List of Dividend-Paying Financial Stocks

You may also be looking to invest in dividend growth stocks with high probabilities of continuing to raise their dividends each year into the future.

The following Sure Dividend databases contain the most reliable dividend growers in our investment universe:

The Dividend Aristocrats: S&P 500 stocks with 25+ years of consecutive dividend increases. The Dividend Achievers: dividend stocks with 10+ years of consecutive dividend increases. The Dividend Kings: considered to be the ultimate dividend growth stocks, the Dividend Kings list is comprised of stocks with 50+ years of consecutive dividend increases

If you’re looking for stocks with unique dividend characteristics, consider the following Sure Dividend databases:

The Complete List of Monthly Dividend Stocks The Complete List of High Dividend Stocks With 5%+ Yields The Blue Chip Stocks List: this database contains stocks with 3%+ dividend yields and 100+ year operating histories

A last (and very comprehensive) method for finding investment opportunities is by looking inside of the major domestic stock market indices. With this in mind, the following databases are useful for the investor who is willing to roll up their sleeves and perform some serious due diligence:

The Complete List of S&P 500 Stocks The Complete List of Russell 2000 Stocks The Complete List of Dow Jones Industrial Average Stocks The Complete List of NASDAQ-100 Stocks The Complete List of Wilshire 5000 Stocks

Source: suredividend