The Craziest Bitcoin Fact of the Year

Words can't accurately describe what an amazing year it's been for cryptocurrencies. Whereas the stock market has been shown to be the greatest creator of long-term wealth, with an average annual return of 7%, inclusive of dividend reinvestment and adjusted for inflation, virtual currencies have left them in the dust this year.

Perceived to be leading that charge is the world's most popular, most tradable, and most valuable cryptocurrency by market cap, bitcoin (CCY: BTCUSD). Having begun the year at just below $967 per coin, bitcoin is valued, as of Dec. 14, at over $16,500 per coin. That's a healthy return of better than 1,600% in just 11 1/2 months. In other words, we're talking about a lifetime's worth of gains for some folks in less than a year.

Image source: Getty Images.

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