The Dip Seemingly Keeps Dipping -- Should You Wait to Invest?

After a mid-2020 to late-2021 bull run that saw many stock prices rebound and flourish post-COVID-19 pandemic crash, the stock market is once again facing some tough times -- to put it lightly. The three major stock market indexes -- the S&P 500, Dow Jones, and Nasdaq Composite -- are down over 21%, 14%, and 31%, respectively, year to date (as of Oct. 24).

As stock prices have continuously dropped this year, many people have been shouting from the mountaintops for investors to "buy the dip." Buying the dip refers to buying stocks when prices have drastically fallen, and there are few better times to do so than during bear markets when stock prices are dropping across the board.

With stock prices seemingly falling daily, investors may be wondering if they should wait to invest, and the answer is simple: No.

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