The Easiest Way to Maximize Your Social Security Check Is to Familiarize Yourself With the Retirement Age Chart

In May, the average Social Security check for retired workers totaled $1,836.06, which works out to a little over $22,000 per year.  While that may not sound like a lot, Social Security income is playing a big role in pulling seniors out of poverty and building a financial foundation for retired workers during their golden years.

According to recently updated data from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), America's top retirement program lifts 21.7 million people out of poverty every year, nearly 15.4 million of which are aged 65 and over. The CBPP estimates that the poverty rate for retirees aged 65 and older would be 38%, or almost four times higher than the current 10% poverty rate for seniors, if the Social Security program didn't exist. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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