The Fatal Flaw in the GOP Tax Plan Has Nothing to Do With the Middle Class

Following nearly 10 months in the Oval Office, President Trump and the Republican Congress appear to be on the verge of moving forward with one of the biggest overhauls to the U.S. individual and corporate tax code that we've witnessed in a long time. This past Thursday, the House voted 227 to 205 to advance the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was unveiled just weeks ago. Not surprisingly, all Democrats opposed the bill, along with 13 dissenting Republicans. Now that the bill's passed, it'll move to the Senate for debate and changes.

The Senate has also been crafting a bill of its own, though it's unclear if it has the support from the 52 GOP Senators to pass. Republicans can only afford to lose two votes in the Senate and still have tax reform pass, since Vice President Mike Pence's vote can break a 50-50 tie.

Image source: Getty Images.

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