The Ironic Reason Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock Nvidia Could Massively Underperform in 2024

For the past 30 years, investors haven't lacked for next-big-thing trends to latch onto. In 2023, absolutely nothing has captivated investors' attention more than artificial intelligence (AI).

In simple terms, AI utilizes software and systems to handle tasks that would normally be overseen or completed by humans. The key to the success of AI is the incorporation of machine learning, which allows software and systems to learn and become more efficient at their tasks over time. This ability to evolve gives AI-powered solutions application across virtually all sectors and industries.

As you might imagine, the dollar figures associated with AI are as grand as investors' expectations. A report from PwC pegs the added economic contribution from artificial intelligence at $15.7 trillion by 2030. This includes an estimated $6.6 trillion in increased productivity, as well as a $9.1 trillion consumption-side boost. 

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