The Nasdaq is Up 20% Halfway Through 2024. Here's What History Says Could Happen in the Second Half.

This year has been impressive for two of the U.S. stock market's top three indexes. The S 500 is up over 15%, but the Nasdaq Composite is leading the charge, up over 20%.

Following the Nasdaq's first-half run, investors have been both optimistic and skeptical. Some think the index will continue its run, and others believe it's due for a pullback at some point this year. Nobody can say for certain how the rest of the year will play out, but you can turn to history to get a bit of perspective.

The Nasdaq Composite is an index that tracks the performance of every stock on the Nasdaq stock exchange. Although it contains companies from virtually all major sectors, the tech sector has fueled much of its growth this year. More specifically, its top seven holdings are leading the way.

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