The No-Brainer Retirement Account I'd Choose Way Before a 401(k)

401(k) plans have a lot going for them. Between automatic contributions direct from your paycheck, relatively high limits, tax advantages, and the possibility of an employer match, they can be an awesome tool for your retirement nest egg. Indeed, I'd go so far as to say that investing enough in your 401(k) to maximize your match should be the very first investment you make.

Still, once you get beyond that match, there's a no-brainer retirement account I'd choose to max out way before going back to contribute more to a 401(k). That account is a Roth IRA. A Roth IRA has so many advantages over a typical 401(k) plan that it's nearly always worth it to figure out how to get money into one as a very high priority for your retirement focused investments. Here are five key reasons why.

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