The Number 1 Reason to Claim Social Security at Age 62

Even if you love your job, let's face it -- you'd probably still like to have the option of retiring early. Most of us don't have that option simply because we don't (or won't) have enough money to do so. We need to continue tucking away a portion of our wages for a while longer, or we need to delay Social Security retirement benefit payments so those eventual payments will be bigger, or both.

There's actually a decent case to be made, however, for beginning your Social Security benefits at the earliest possible age of 62.

For a long time, Social Security treated 66 as the full retirement age, or FRA. That's the age at which a beneficiary can receive 100% of their intended benefits. The number has been ratcheted up to 67 for anyone born in or after 1960 to reflect the fact people are generally living longer than they used to.

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