The S&P 500 Can Hit 5,000 Under a Biden Presidency -- Here's How

For much of the year, Wall Street has spent its time worrying about the impact of the unprecedented coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. All the while, we've watched the benchmark S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) roar back from a bear market low, reached on March 23, to hit new all-time highs less than five months later.

Investors have also spent their time splitting hairs over the now-completed U.S. election. Now that former Vice President Joe Biden appears set to become President-Elect Joe Biden, the prevailing question is: "Would a Joe Biden-led White House lead to higher stock prices?"

What if I told you the answer was most likely yes, and that the S&P 500 could topple the 5,000-point threshold with Biden in the White House? Here's a closer look at all the variables that are poised to work in favor of investors with Joe Biden in the Oval Office.

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