The S&P 500 Just Hit a New Record. History Says This Will Happen Next.

The S 500 index (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) roared to a record high earlier this year, confirming its presence in a bull market, but the index didn't stop there. Since then, it's continued to climb and recently hit a new record. Investors are piling into stocks on optimism about an improving economy and a steadying of interest rates -- including potential rate cuts ahead.

Solid earnings reports also have buoyed sentiment. About 78% of S 500 companies that have reported first-quarter earnings announced positive earnings-per-share surprises, according to FactSet data.

You'll find winning stocks in many industries, but the biggest stock market movers this year have been technology players -- especially those in the high-growth area of artificial intelligence (AI). They've led gains in the S 500 and the technology-heavy .

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