The S&P 500 May Go Even Higher: 2 Top Growth Stocks to Buy Now

The S&P 500 index has had a fabulous run in 2023. After falling 19.4% in 2022, the index is now up by nearly 15% in the first half of 2023. The index has also gained more 20% from its recent low in late 2022, which some investors take a sign that a new bull market is in the making.

Whether this market rally is sustainable is open to debate, especially since the Federal Reserve has highlighted the possibility of more interest rate hikes in late 2023. However, historically, sooner or later every bear market has been followed by a bull rally. Bull markets have also been more frequent and longer than bear markets. Bull markets have accounted for 78% of the trading days in the past 91 years and last an average of 2.7 years. With the probability of a bull market rally being quite high, the S&P 500 also has a solid chance of going even higher.

While past events are not a great predictor of the future, investors should start building positions in stocks that are poised to thrive in a bull market but are also resilient to the pressures of the bear market.

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