The Smartest Dividend Stocks to Buy With $400 Right Now

Dividend stocks make a great addition to your portfolio in any market environment. During difficult times, they'll limit your losses, and during bull markets they'll add to your returns. And this recurrent income falls into your lap without you doing a thing -- what could be better than that?

Now, today, let's imagine you have $400 to invest in these valuable stocks that tirelessly help you grow wealth year after year. Many stocks offer dividends -- so which ones should you choose?

I often go for those that have a track record of increasing their payments, meaning you not only can count on collecting a payment this year, but you're likely to collect even more next year and every year down the road. And I also like growth stocks that pay dividends, because they offer the combination of top earnings growth and share performance potential with the stability of this annual passive income. Let's check out three of the smartest dividend stocks you can buy with $400 right now.

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