The Smartest Investors Are Buying These 3 Stocks Hand Over Fist

The stock market may look dour right now, but there's a good reason to rejoice. This year's sharp decline has been broad based and caused the share prices of numerous companies to fall to multi-year lows. This means that the baby has essentially been thrown out with the bathwater, and good companies are also seeing their valuations pummeled without good reason.

Investors may fret over reduced growth rates, but smart investors know that great companies will always bounce back stronger in the end. The important attributes to look out for include a strong brand, loyal customers, and sustainable tailwinds that can power the business to greater heights. These characteristics are what make these three stocks attractive to own, as they have what it takes to continue doing well once the twin scourges of high inflation and rising interest rates abate.

Image source: Getty Images.

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