The Smartest Stocks to Invest $2,500 Into Right Now

It's a truly trying time to be an investor. Panic and uncertainty caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic pushed the broad-based S&P 500 into its fastest bear market in history in March and eventually sent the widely followed stock index down 34% in just 33 calendar days. Never have equities had the rug pulled out from beneath them so quickly.

But at the same time, panic often breeds opportunity when we're talking about investing. Despite never knowing when stock market corrections will present themselves, how long they'll last, or how steep the drop will be, every correction (and bear market) in history has proven to be an excellent buying opportunity for investors with a long-term mindset.

What's more, you don't have to be rolling in dough to put your money to work in the stock market. If you have $2,500 in cash that won't be needed to pay bills or for an emergency, you have more than enough to make a difference. If you have cash to spare, here are some of the smartest stocks you can buy right now.

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