The Worst Mistake Disney Investors Can Make Right Now

The COVID-19 pandemic has not been kind to Walt Disney (NYSE: DIS). The House of Mouse had to close all of its theme parks, the cruise ships are anchored and empty, and silver screens are dark in theaters around the world. The second-quarter report that was posted this week was a mixed bag, Disney's dividend policy has been paused, and even the company's credit rating has taken a hit.

That's a lot of pain, all at once. Disney is certainly in for a bumpy ride in the months and quarters ahead, and the coronavirus crisis will change the company's business model forever in many subtle ways.

But the worst thing you can do as a Disney investor is to throw in the towel, hit the "sell" button with an oversized rubber mallet, and ride off into the sunset to the tune of "Into the Unknown." Disney's end credits are not coming up next, and it would be a crying shame to cash in your shares at today's low prices, only to watch it crush the market for decades to come.

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