The Worst Mistake Tesla Investors Can Make Right Now

Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) returned more than 720% for investors in 2020. That's a huge year by any standard, and holders should be very excited by that performance. However, for many, it creates an allocation problem that requires rebalancing.

As I see it, the worst mistake that Tesla investors can make is to ignore the need to diversify. This suggestion may fall on deaf ears for speculators or Tesla disciples, but it's a great time to sell a portion of your shares while retaining some for future growth.

Tesla was one of the most popular stocks among investors coming into 2020, and many people held it as part of their portfolios. That stock has almost certainly grown to take up a much larger portion of their portfolios since the start of last year. A hypothetical portfolio that was 5% Tesla at the start of 2020, with the remainder spread between the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ, would now be roughly 25% Tesla due to that one position's excellent performance.

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