These 2 Stocks Are All-Stars In the Making

Investors must feel like they have whiplash. They went from the pandemic market crash to extraordinary gains in late 2020 and early 2021 then into a stubborn bear market, all within just a couple of years. For those hoping to get back on a more even growth trajectory, now might just be a terrific time to refocus on companies that offer unique value to portfolios. Companies operating in secular growth industries, managing excellent execution, and working hard to return capital to shareholders are solid places to start.

Analog Devices (NASDAQ: ADI) and The Trade Desk (NASDAQ: TTD) fit the bill and could outpace the market and provide peace of mind. Here's why these two stocks are all-stars in the making.

Semiconductors, or "chips," are vital to the economy. If you checked your phone, drove a car, visited the doctor, or went to work today, you very likely used dozens of them and may not even know it. Their importance was easy to see during the recent chip shortage. New vehicles sat on manufacturers' lots for months waiting for them, and prices for new and used autos skyrocketed. 

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