These 3 Dividend ETFs Are a Retiree's Best Friend

If you are a retiree who wants long-term exposure to equities without having to spend a lot of time constructing a portfolio by searching out individual stocks, this article is meant for you. If that doesn't describe you, go read something else!

Actually, just about anyone can get something from the discussion that follows, but it really is geared to making a retiree's investment life easier. If you are a retiree looking for long-term exposure to equities, investing in a portfolio of these three exchange-traded funds (ETFs) -- the Vanguard S 500 Index Fund (NYSEMKT: VOO), the SPDR Portfolio S 500 High Dividend ETF (NYSEMKT: SPYD), and the FlexShares STOXX Global Broad Infrastructure Index Fund (NYSEMKT: NFRA) -- makes a lot of sense. 

To know why these particular ETFs are right for retirees, it helps to know a bit about ETFs. Equity ETFs are listed investments that buy shares of stocks, according to criteria laid out by management. The expense ratio is the annual fee that management charges to maintain it -- a lower fee is better, as higher fees can significantly eat into returns over the long term. 

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