These 5 Stocks Have Cost Buffett $49 Billion in 6 Weeks

If you thought the financial crisis a little over a decade ago was bad, the coronavirus is rewriting history for Wall Street.

Growing uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus, which has led to more than 42,100 deaths globally as of March 31, wound up pulling the rug out from underneath the stock market at a record pace. It took just over three weeks for all major U.S. stock indexes to fall into bear market territory from their recent highs, with all major indexes shedding in excess of 30% in a little more than four weeks. Both descents represent the quickest 20% and 30% respective declines in the history of the U.S. stock market.

Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett at this company's annual shareholder meeting. Image source: The Motley Fool.

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