These Are America's Best-Liked Social Media Sites

Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) may have the most users, the most revenue, and the most influence over the American public in the social media space, but it's not America's best-liked site. In fact, the social media leader ranks near the bottom in the latest edition of the American Customer Satisfaction Index's (ACSI) E-Business Report. Perhaps the Mark Zuckerberg-led company can take some solace in the fact that while it tied for next-to-last at 68 on the 100-point scale, it at least posted the same score it did in 2016. That's the same score it had last year, and no change year to year is a plus given that last year it had fallen 9% from its 2015 score.

"While Facebook remains well below its peak score of 75 in 2015, the site is doing better now than in many prior years and staying ahead of its historic average of 66," wrote the ACSI.

Facebook remains one of the least-popular social media companies. Image source: Facebook.

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