These Cheap Growth Stocks Could Supercharge Your Portfolio

Growth stocks are known for their focus on increasing revenue in leaps and bounds. That's why investors turn to them when they want to rev up their portfolio's growth potential. But these stocks don't always deliver. For example, they're often the first to suffer in a market downturn. That's what happened last year.

But here's the good news. These periods of underperformance don't last forever. And they offer you the opportunity to pick up these top companies at a bargain price. All of this means right now is the perfect time to buy growth stocks. Let's take a look at three cheap ones that could supercharge your portfolio -- possibly right away and for the long term.

CRISPR Therapeutics (NASDAQ: CRSP) slid 46% last year. Ironically, this loss came at a time when things were going extremely well for the biotech company. In fact, CRISPR now has reached its most exciting moment ever: The company, with partner Vertex Pharmaceuticals, recency submitted exa-cel, its first product candidate, to regulators in the U.K., Europe, and the U.S.

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