These Stocks Would Have Doubled Your Money Last Year -- and Are Up More Than 100% in 2020

With so many stocks to choose from, the chances of finding a stock that doubles over the course of a year is pretty tough. Let's face it: There are so many variables that can impact a company -- from competition to weather and from the economy to pandemics -- that knowing how a stock will perform in a given year is essentially a crapshoot.

Investors with a background in science may recall Newton's first law of motion: An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. That's how it is sometimes with successful investments. Put another way, "Winners tend to keep winning."

Putting your money to work in companies that already have a solid track record of performance will help increase the likelihood of success. With that in mind, let's look at two stocks that doubled in 2019 and are well on their way to a repeat performance this year.

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