This Billionaire Just Sold Out of Tesla Stock. Should You Follow?

In the first quarter of this year, one of the world's most prominent and successful investors sold out of big positions in (NASDAQ: TSLA). In a regulatory filing, Geroge Soros' family office, Soros Fund Management, revealed that it no longer held a single share or derivative of the high-profile electric vehicle (EV) maker.

We should never, of course, blindly follow the moves of another investor, no matter how successful they have been. But maybe Soros was on to something here, so let's explore whether it's time to ditch or dive into Tesla stock.

At the end of 2022, as detailed in its next-to-latest 13F, a document itemizing an institutional investment manager's holdings, Soros Fund Management held 132,046 Tesla shares. At the time this position was worth just under $16.3 million. The company also owned 200,000 Tesla call options, which were valued at slightly over $24.6 million in total. 

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