This Company Is Taking Cloud Customers From Amazon

With stocks looking like they're taking another dive down this year, it might be a good time to consider one of the few remaining areas that's still growing -- the cloud. Cloud revenue, that is, not cloud stocks. Cloud stocks are down across the board. For instance, the Global X Cloud Computing ETF, which tracks cloud stocks, has cratered 36% this year.

Despite the declining share prices, cloud companies are still growing their revenues and profits. This makes for a compelling opportunity to take advantage of the cloud megatrend. However, not all cloud stocks are created equal. Oracle (NYSE: ORCL) is a company that has a few advantages that other cloud players don't. It's also taking cloud business from the cloud's early market share leader, Amazon.

For decades, Oracle has been a market share leader in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software. ERP software handles huge corporate functions like accounting, project management, and supply chain management for enterprise-sized companies around the globe.

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