This Could Be the Biggest Winner of the Stock Market Crash

There's really no way to sugarcoat it: The recent stock market action has been ugly. We're now almost officially in bear market territory, down about 17% from the all-time closing high set less than a month ago.

Market action like this is certainly scary. Nobody enjoys watching the value of their portfolio drop.

However, now could be a fantastic time for patient long-term investors to put some money to work, and Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B) is near the top of my watch list. Not only is Berkshire well poised to handle the most massive recession or stock market crash, but it should emerge far stronger as a result. And the weaker the market gets, the more I'd want to hold Berkshire shares in my portfolio. There are two big reasons why.

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